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All classes run the same each week with the exception of the Namastay Sober class that runs first Sunday of every month only. Monday Meditation runs 2nd Monday of every month only. Any specialty classes/workshops/trainings will be listed on Website and always check the Mindbody app for the most up to date class schedule. TRX classes fill up. Please sign up ahead of time for ALL TRX classes.


5:45 am, Sculpt, Jen Murray

9:15 am, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray

4:15 pm, TRX, Jen Murray

5:30 pm, All Levels Flow, Jen Geller

6:45 pm Monday Meditation Class (2nd Monday ONLY )Lorraine Shedoudi


6:00 am, All Levels Flow, Tracy Spinos

9:15 am, All Levels Flow, Lynne D

4:30 pm, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray

6:00 pm, All Levels Flow, Mehr Lee

7:15 pm, Relax and Restore, Mehr Lee


8:00 am, TRX, Jen Murray

9:15 am, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray

5:30 pm, TRX, Jen Murray

6:45 pm, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray


6:00 am, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray

9:15 am, All Levels Flow, Jen Geller

4:30 pm, All Levels Flow, Mehr Lee

6:00 pm, All Levels Flow, Mehr Lee

7:15 pm, Relax and Restore, Mehr Lee


5:45 am, Sculpt, Jen Murray

8:00 am, TRX, Jen Murray

9:15 am, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray


7:30 am, All Levels Flow, Tracy Spinos

9:00 am, All Levels Flow, Mehr Lee


9:00 am, All Levels Flow, Jen Murray

10:15 am, TRX, Jen Murray

11:15am, Sculpt, Jen Murray (coming soon)

4:30 pm All Levels Flow, Jenna Newcomb

6:00 pm, Relax and Restore Maggie Bresnihan

7:30 pm NAMASTAY SOBER Class (1st Sunday ONLY )